Even though french fries and mashed potatoes have little to no real nutritional value, the majority of restaurants and home-cooked meals tend to include them as sides to an already over-portioned dish. You can cut out as much as 300 calories simply by replacing potatoes with colorful steamed or fresh veggies.
In making decisions about nutrition, you should cast a wide net. If you take mind and spirit into consideration in other aspects of your life, you should also do so in regard to nutrition. One writer who does this is Sally Fallon in her book, "Nourishing Traditions".
If you are on the road a lot, it is important to always carry some healthy snacks and a meal bar or two. You might have noticed that it can be difficult to get regular meals in an airport. There is a lot to accomplish while at the airport, and somewhere in the mix you need to find food. Keep a few bars with you just in case you get hungry or need some energy. I recommend reading about bee pollen benefits too as it's nature's multivitamin.
Mushrooms come in a multitude of varieties and add amazing flavor to many dishes. This is a good enough reason to use them. But they have great additional benefits nutritionally. Mushrooms contain protein as well as many trace minerals and needed vitamins--especially the B vitamins such as biotin.
Eat less saturated fats. Saturated fats are usually found in fried foods, meats, and sugary foods. Saturated fats raise your LDL cholesterol and not only increase the amount of stored fat you have, making it harder to lose weight, but also lead to cardiovascular problems such as heart disease.
Eat meat if you're trying to grow muscle. A study has shown that eating 4 to 8 ounces of meat a day can contribute more muscle mass to weightlifters, and while another group got stronger, the meat eating group had more muscle to show for it. So enjoy all types of meat and be stronger.
Good info here, too: HEALTH :: MEN TODAY That's a good video you can get some good info from.
Try to make your kids healthy school lunches instead of relying on the cafeteria food or prepackaged process foods. try making them sandwiches with whole-grain breads or tortillas, lean cheeses and meats. Also include some chopped veggies such as celery and carrots, along with something sweet like fruit and low-fat yogurt.
Make sure you're eating a balanced meal. 15-20% should be protein, 30% should be fats, and 50-55% should be carbs. This ensures that your body is getting everything it needs to function properly. Any diets that have high amounts or extremely low amounts of the nutrients deprive your body of what it needs.
If one talks to a professional nutritionist they can gain insightful information on how they can best maintain their own nutrition. One can schedule an appointment or even find one over the internet to talk to. However one chooses to go about it talking to a nutritionist will give one the knowledge to maintain good nutrition.
Always make sure that you are aware of the nutritional information for what you are eating. Even if you are deciding to give yourself a treat like a chocolate bar, don't avoid looking at the information. The calories may be quite high, but you still should know exactly what you are putting into your body at all times.
If you are going to a restaurant that you are not familiar with, try to find their menu online. If you have a gameplan before you go you will be more likely to find options that fit into the kind of diet you have without being seduced by all of the beautiful descriptions and smells.
The humble cabbage family (including kale, collard and mustard greens), provides us with an especially good buy, nutritionally. If you haven't yet added these to your diet, you should. These dark green leafy vegetables are renowned providers of phosphorus, calcium, iron and carotenoids. Also, they are inexpensive!